LowBand Common Mode Dipole Balun 5000W Triple Core

LowBand Common Mode Dipole Balun 5000W Triple Core


LowBand Common Mode Dipole Balun 5000W Triple Core for 160m, 80m, 40m, and 30m

SKU: 2982 Categories: ,

160m, 80m, 40m, and 30m LowBand Common Mode Dipole Balun 5000W Triple Core

Excellent LowBand Common Mode Dipole Balun 5000W Triple Core for any low band dipole antenna including Yagi and vertical antennas. High common mode impedance and extreme power rating are the key features. This balun could easily handle any linear amplifier with a single or two FU728F, GU78B, GU84, or up to three GS35B, 4xGS31, OM2000+, OM4001A, etc.


Use this LowBand Dipole Balun 5000W Triple Core with any dipole or Yagi antenna to:

  • Increase antenna efficiency
  • Increase antenna gain
  • Clean antenna pattern
  • Lower RFI
  • Lower receive noise


The real 5000W Triple Core Low Band Balun for 160m, 80m 40m, and 30m

LowBand Common Mode Dipole Balun 5000W Triple Core


Measured common mode impedance of LowBand Common Mode Dipole Balun 5000W Triple Core

1.8MHz 900Ω
3.8MHz 2.6kΩ
7.1MHz 9.4kΩ
10.1MHz 2.6kΩ
14.1MHz 1.5kΩ

Produced with 3 pieces 2.4 Inches the best ferrite cores
Maximum power handling 5000W
Used inside cable: Teflon 7mm SF250


Versions of LowBand Dipole Balun 5000W Triple Core to order:

CB5000W3CSL with Silver Teflon SO239 input connector (-15 EUR)
with 7/16 DIN input connector (this one)


LowBand Common Mode Dipole Choke 5000W Triple-Core

LowBand Common Mode Dipole Choke 5000W Triple-Core


This balun is at least double better than any similar world production balun with at least 50% more power handling and common mode impedance.


The other baluns, Stack-Match switches and here.


Weight 0,5 kg


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