23cm 5el Backpack and Dish Feed Antenna 23cm5RA Wide Angle
Excellent small wideband Yagi antenna covers 1240 to 1310MHz. Good to start tropo or EME as dish feed for dishes with f/d 0.45 to 0.65. Good for testing antenna patterns or characteristics of other 23cm antennas.
What does 23cm5RA mean?
23cm – 23cm band covers from 1240 to 1310 MHz with very low SWR
5 – 5 elements
R – Rear-mounted antenna
A – Boom length is 365mm
23cm5RA Electrical Specifications:
Frequency Range: 1240-1310MHz
Free Space Forward Gain: 10.2dBi
Front-to-Back Ratio: 25dB
-3 dB Horizontal Beamwidth: 55.6°
-10 dB Horizontal Beamwidth: 95.1°
-3 dB Vertical Beamwidth: 75°
-10 dB Vertical Beamwidth: 119.25°
Polarization: Horizontal or Vertical
Nominal Input Impedance: 50 Ohms
SWR Across Entire Band: <1.2
Maximum Power Input: 100W
Matching Method: Voltage balun. Used RG316 Teflon Cable
Connector: “N”
23cm 5el Backpack and Dish Feed Antenna 23cm5RA Azimuth Radiation Pattern
23cm5RA Mechanical Specifications:
Number of Elements: 5
Element Diameter: 4 mm Aluminum rod
Dipole Diameter: 3 mm Copper
Longest Element: 120 mm
Element Mounting Position: Below the Boom
Balun and Connector: Included
Boom Length: 0.365m
Boom Size: 20 x 20 mm
Mounting Mast Diameter: 30 – 50 mm 1-1/4 – 2″ OD
Survival Wind Speed: 250 km/h
Net Weight: 0.3 kg
23cm 5el Backpack and Dish Feed Antenna 23cm5RA Elevation Radiation Pattern
23cm 5elements Backpack and Dish Feed Antenna 23cm5RA Measured SWR
Antennas-Amplifiers Product Benefits. A Major advance in Amateur Radio antenna design.
- F/B and G/T superiority.
All antennas have been calculated using state-of-the-art full 3D Electromagnetic Simulation Software including the influence of the boom, bracket, baluns, and connectors. The performance of antennas designed using these techniques is exceptional, far better than antennas designed using “wire” programs.
- No tuning antennas
Before dispatch, we assemble and test every antenna. That means you may expect outstanding electrical and mechanical characteristics including low SWR across the complete frequency range.
Everything is pre-tuned.
- Easy to set up
23cm antennas come already assembled. No need to tune or touch any element.
Everything is included in the antenna box: Antenna, balun with connector, and bracket.
Check all 23 cm antennas here.
Also, check other excellent pages:
SM6FHZ http://2ingandlin.se/SM6FHZ.htm
Ok1DFC http://www.ok1dfc.com/EME/emeweb.htm
W1GHZ http://www.w1ghz.org/antbook/contents.htm
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