2m Lightweight EME Expedition CROSS Antenna 2mCROSS30DXL SuperYagi
15 + 15 elements 2m Lightweight EME Expedition CROSS Antenna 2mCROSS30DXL specially designed for contests and EME expeditions. Maximum gain, phenomenal F/B of 37dB, and ultimate G/T of -2.8 dB make this antenna the best for EME expeditions or VHF competitions. All parts are made of Aluminum or AISI 316L (A4) Marine grade Stainless Steel. With just one coaxial relay it is easy to switch between horizontal and vertical polarization.
2m Lightweight EME Expedition CROSS Antenna 2mCROSS30DXL Appearance
What does 2mCROSS30DXL mean?
- 2m – 2m band
- CROSS – CROSS Yagi antenna has horizontal and vertical elements – separated on a single boom, the antenna is mounted in a “+” format
- 30 – 30 elements, 15 elements for horizontal polarization, and 15 elements for vertical polarization
- DX – For use in the DX part of the band 144-145MHz
- L – Light construction for DX, contest, or EME expeditions
Electrical Specifications of 2m Lightweight EME Expedition CROSS Antenna 2mCROSS30DXL
Frequency Range: 144 – 145MHz
Free Space Forward Gain: 17.1 dBi
Front-to-Back Ratio: 37 dB
-3 dB Horizontal Beamwidth: 27.6° For Horizontal Polarization
-3 dB Vertical Beamwidth: 29° For Horizontal Polarization
G/T for Tsky=290K Tearth=5400K: -2.8 dB
Polarization: Horizontal and Vertical (RHCP, LHCP with phase shift)
Distance Between Dipoles: 520 mm
Degrees: 90°
Isolation Between Antennas: More than 30 dB
Nominal Input Impedance: 50 Ohms
SWR Across Entire Band: < 1.2
Maximum Power Input: 2 x 1500W (more by request)
Matching Method: Direct feed through Teflon RG142 common mode choke (current balun)
Connectors: 2 x “N” (7/16DIN by request)
Power input option by order of 2mCROSS30DXL
“E” – Extra power 7/16 DIN Input connector SF250 7mm Teflon balun cable: 2000W – 2mCROSS30DXLE
2m Lightweight EME Expedition CROSS Antenna 2mCROSS30DXL Azimuth Radiation Pattern
Stacking distances for 2mCROSS30DXL in “H” configuration
For the best G/T for Tsky=290K Tearth=5400K: -2.8 dB
Horizontal: 4100 mm
Vertical: 4100 mm
2m Lightweight CROSS Antenna 2mCROSS30DXL Elevation Radiation Pattern
Mechanical Specifications of 2m Lightweight EME Expedition CROSS Antenna 2mCROSS30DXL
Number of Elements: 30 (15 + 15)
Element Diameter: 4 mm Aluminum rod
Dipole Diameter: 8 mm Hard Copper tube plastic coated
Longest Element: 1040 mm
Element Mounting Position: Two Sides
Balun and Connector: Included
Boom Length: 10.53 m
Single Antenna Length: 10 m
Boom Size: Tapered Boom 40×40 mm, 30×30 mm, 20×20 mm
Number of Boom Pieces: 8
Turning Radius: 6 m
Guy rope support: Yes, included
Mounting Mast Diameter: 43 – 70 mm 1-11/16″ – 2-3/4″ OD
Clamp: 2 x M8 Stainless Steel
Survival Wind Speed: 130 km/h
Net Weight: 9.8kg
Gross Weight: 12 kg
Transportation Length: 1.49 m
2mCROSS30DXL Wing Nuts Boom Joiner
The antenna has a specially designed bracket that allows:
Bayed installation (Horizontal stack)
Or installation on the vertical mast (Vertical stack)
What say DL8JJ about the antenna on his extremely successful EME expedition to Cameroon TJ9MD
Thank you for producing the best DXPedition single Yagi long boom antenna.
I used 2mCROSS30DXL on my EME DXPedition to Cameroon TJ9MD with great success!
You made a huge product and I’m pleased about that.
I did in all hard situations from there 138 QSOs.
Emil de DL8JJ
TJ9MD EME DXpedition
Testing and preparing antenna at DL8JJ home
What will happen if you try to calculate a “good” antenna with a free-of-charge EZNEC or with a small fee-paid version of EZNEC Pro/4 without the ability to calculate boom corrections or other surrounding metal objects? Read this.
Antennas-Amplifiers Product Benefits. A Major advance in Amateur Radio antenna design.
- F/B and G/T superiority.
All antennas have been calculated using state-of-the-art full 3D Electromagnetic Simulation Software including the influence of the boom, bracket, baluns, and connectors. The performance of antennas designed using these techniques is exceptional, far better than antennas designed using “wire” programs.
Comparison of EM simulation software
- No tuning antennas
Before dispatch, we assemble each antenna and test antenna characteristics. That means you may expect exceptionally good electrical and mechanical characteristics including low SWR across the designed range immediately after assembling.
No need to tune the dipole, or any other element to get perfect SWR on the intended frequency range. Everything is pre-tuned.
- Easy to set up
Everything is labeled, just put number to number. The antenna can be assembled with hand tools.
Everything is included in the antenna box: Antenna, balun with connector, and bracket. Yours is to assemble and have fun!
- Mechanical properties
We believe that our antennas are the world’s strongest and are mechanically constructed much better than any antennas from other manufacturers.
Check all 2m antennas: 2m antennas
Horizontal or vertical antennas
2m CROSS antennas
2m XPOL antennas
Emil –
Thank you for producing the best DXPedition single Yagi long boom antenna.
I used 2mCROSS30DXL on my EME DXPedition to Cameroon TJ9MD with great success!
You made a huge product and I’m pleased about that.
I did in all hard situations from there 138 QSOs.
Emil de DL8JJ
TJ9MD EME DXpedition