HF WARC Antenna 5B11HD at DF3LZ
Hi Goran, Today I finished the installation of the 5B11HD 5 band yagi. The installation went very smoothly. All parts were signed very well and the setup took a very short time. Now I am testing the antenna and I am very satisfied. It is keeping the values as promised. Directivity and SWR are as expected. Picture story:
5 Band HF Antenna Assembly Check.
5 Band HF Antenna Mounting Start.
5 Band HF WARC Antenna element assembly. Elements are marked very well.
HF Five band antenna. Area view of the installation.
HF WARC five-band antenna 5B11HD is nearly finished.
Five-band HF antenna mounting DF3LZ tower. Ready for the lift up.
QRV again.
The first contact on 20m was R18BRA. One call and he was logged. Thanks for an excellent antenna. 73 de Roland on Twitter here.
Best for next Frequency Range: 14 – 14.35 MHz, 18.068-18.168 MHz, 21-21.45 MHz, 24.89-24.99 MHz, 28 – 29 MHz