6 meter 50 – 54 MHz Band Pass Filter 5000 W Super Low Loss.
Intended to be used with linear amplifiers like GU78, GU84, 8877, GS35, GS31, 2xGI7B, and with other tubes. This RFI Band-pass filter is designed for Very High Output Transmitters. 6m Band-Pass filter will easily handle any 3.5 kW, 4 kW up to 5 kW linear amplifiers.
The recorded data on the assembled filter with HP8753ES network analyzer full 2-port calibrated are presented below.
1.8MHz< -77 dB
3.8 MHz = -57dB
7.1 MHz = -39dB
14 MHz = -12dB
50 MHz = -0.045 dB
54 MHz = -0.046 dB
100 MHz = -48 dB
108 MHz = -46 dB
145 MHz = -45 dB
432 MHz = -38 dB
440 MHz = -39 dB
We measured Return Loss (S11) and Insertion Loss (S21). Characteristics of 50 – 54 MHz Bandpass filter for up to 5000 W linear amplifier.
1. Attenuation of HF Frequency
2. More than 50 dB of attenuation of 2nd harmonic! Deep notch for FM frequencies between 100 MHz and 108 MHz.
3. Excellent attenuation of 3rd harmonic, as well as 144 MHz and 432 MHz band.
4. Zoomed measured data of 50 – 54 MHz transmitting band-pass filter. Insertion loss – S21 (Attenuation) is set to 0.1 dB per division! The same attenuation can be seen at every band point, as well as super high adaptation.
Cooling fan 12 V DC.
Feel free to send an e-mail if you need something more specific.
All band-pass filters are here: HF, VHF, and UHF Band-Pass Filters
Direct link to all 6-meter filters. We have 50 W, 100 W, 200 W, 300 W, 1500 W and 4000 W versions: 6 Meter Band-Pass Filters
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