PA144-12-7BGP by DG3EK
I’ve seen lots of antennas from different manufactures but never seen an antenna that was made so well said Christian DG3EK for PA144-12-7BGP.
The shipping of the antenna was very fast. It comes very well packed. Every part was in perfect conditions. No shipping damage was noticeable.
The assembly of the antenna was very easy due to the excellent markings on the elements of the antenna. I’ve seen lots of antennas from different manufactures but never seen an antenna that was made so well. Every part fits nicely and there was zero backlash between parts noticeable. Due to its sturdy construction the antenna was lift up the tower without difficulty’s.
Antenna testing
After the PA144-12-7BGP antenna was assembled on top of the tower the VSWR was measured using a VNA calibrated to used feed line. In conclusion, the measured VSWR was comply with the specification.
First on air test was on the 18. April 2020. With 5 W of output power a station in Sweden within the grid square JO58uj, around 420km away from my QTH, was workable in CW despite the bad conditions.
For instance, continuously listening to 2 meter beacons lead to an average hearing distance of 350 km. Within this radius every beacon can be heard continuously the hole day. I’m really satisfied with the performance of this antenna. Excited for the first real Tropo conditions and I’m waiting for it.
I’m addition to this many thanks for great support during the Ordering process. Keep making awesome antennas! This won’t be the last antenna ordered.
Best regards from the northern part of Germany
Christian DG3EK
Instagram video from DG3EK where his 2 meter 12 element antenna is rotating can be seen here.
Sunset and 2 meter super low noise Yagi antenna PA144-12-7BGP at DG3EK location.
2 meter super low noise EME and competition Yagi antenna on 7 meter boom PA144-12-7BGP